Top 10 Breathing Exercises to Lose Belly Fat – Abdominal Exercises

Belly fat is the most irritating accumulation of fat around the abdomen region. This is a dangerous health hazard because it can cause many internal problems. The most frequent problems faced by people with belly fat are high cholesterol, heart stroke, hypertension, heart attack, diabetes and many others. This belly fat is very stubborn and to shed and will often take many months or years to vanish. You either need to go to the gym, do ab exercises and crunches or choose to do cardiovascular exercises along with a weight loss diet such as a simple 1200 calorie diet plan. But many of us don’t like to sweat it out in the gym, and the best and easy way to deal with your belly fat would be breathing exercises.
Deep breathing exercise is the best exercise to reduce belly fat which helps you in shaping up in a relaxed manner. One can eliminate the fat present on top of the abdominal muscles with these breathing exercises.  Breathing exercises are gaining a lot of popularity nowadays as they are really effective in the abdominal area. These exercises are known as pranayama, usually associated with yoga. They help you gain health and longevity; they also improve digestion by strengthening abdominal muscles. It is an art and needs to be practiced with care.

Breathing Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat can only be shed through a structured, strict exercise regime. You are likely to be a victim of belly fat due to lack of physical activity or sedentary jobs. Other than looking unhealthy it is also a major cause of diabetes and heart diseases. To get rid of your belly fat and regain your health, try these simple breathing exercises.

Diaphragm Breathing

This is one of the most effective breathing exercises for weight loss. By making your breathing deeper, your abdominal muscles become flexible. You need to engage your diaphragm while doing this in order to increase your lung capacity. Engaging your diaphragm while breathing increases the capacity of your lungs. This is one of the most effective and beneficial mat exercises for abs toning.
Diaphragm Breathing
For this to happen, you need to first lie down on your back. Start breathing and observe your chest and stomach move up and down. Continue breathing, but make your breathes deeper and deeper for each inhalation and exhalation. You can practice this style of breathing at any time of the day. If followed regularly, this breathing exercise will improve digestion and remove any unwanted fat around the stomach area. Eventually, this will cause weight retention.

Deep Breathes

Deep breathing works as good as abdominal exercises to lose belly fat. It is the basicpranayama exercises used frequently in yoga as well. You need to spend at least 15 to 20 minutes on this exercise every day.  This deep breathing exercise will boost the intake of oxygen and is great to burn down calories. Stress will lead to hormonal imbalances; you also tend to feel hungry often. Whenever you feel hungry, the body takes the food and converts it into fat. By placing these exercises into your daily routine, you will be able to control food cravings and hormonal imbalances.
Deep Breathes
To begin this exercise, you need to sit straight on the chair or the floor with your back to the wall. Place your palms on your lap and close your eyes. Stop thinking about everything and concentrate on your breathing.  Breathe normally for the first 4 minutes. Meditate. Take deep breathes by counting from 1 to 4 while inhaling and 1 to 6 while exhaling.  Repeat the same for another 10 minutes, you will surely feel refreshed and satisfied.

Shining the Skull Breathing

This is undoubtedly the best exercise for losing belly fat that also strengthens the muscles in the stomach and relieves respiratory problems, cold, eyestrain, and other allergies. You need to sit in a comfortable position and inhale completely. Hold your stomach muscles in completely, while you exhale. Repeat the same for 30 seconds and come back to normal breathing for 3 seconds. Repeat the same breathing exercise three times.
Skull Breathing

Stimulating Breathing Exercise

As you can understand from the name itself, this exercise stimulates your senses.  It keeps you active for the whole day, by increasing your body’s strength. Just like relaxing Tai Chi techniques, this also helps in unwinding the muscles. It is the best exercise to lose belly fat in a healthy and effective manner. Start by sitting straight on the chair, keep your mouth closed and relax.  You need to count the numbers in face pace while you breathe. This breathing lays stress on your abdomen, chest and lungs. You need to perform this exercise for 15 minutes every day to shed your weight!
Stimulating Breathing Exercise

Belly Breathing

Belly breathing focuses on the diaphragm and the muscles below the lungs and is thebest type of yoga for weight loss. This exercise is usually used to boost up stamina and energy; it is also used to cure anxiety disorders. Your goal should be to breathe like this all the time, every day.
Belly BreathingYou can sit or a chair, lie on your back or even stand up straight. Your first step is to calm your mind and forget about all the worries and problems. Just let go of any thought that pops into your head. Place your hand on your tummy, your thumb should be near your belly button. Breathe deeply, make sure that your chest doesn’t rise, and allow your abdomen to expand.

Flying Stomach Lock

The flying stomach lock also called uddiyana bandha, is an advanced technique and one of the most functional ways to lose belly fat fast. But it can be practiced by experienced students of pranayama. Start off in a seated position; pull your stomach in completely. You should be able to feel a hollow in this area. Continue to exhale in the same position and move your chin toward your chest. Hold this position for 15 seconds and relax with normal breathing for a few minutes. This helps to reduce the fat near your stomach and greatly improves your digestion and metabolism.
Flying Stomach Lock

Mouth Breathing

Breathing with your mouth pressurizes the abdominal muscles, giving you a relaxed and refreshing experience and is a simple exercise to lose belly fat. In addition, it is also one of the functional face exercises for cheeks and chin toning. You can sit or stand or even lie down for this exercise. Open your mouth and breathe evenly and slowly through your mouth Inhale as you count silently up to 10. Your exhalation should take a longer time. So if you inhale for 2 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds. Do not force yourself too much, try to do as much as you can. Continue this three times, every day. If you are unable to inhale and exhale for a few seconds, you may be breathing fast. If you are standing, practice this exercise while sitting down.
Mouth Breathing

Abdominal Breathing

This exercise will burn your calories rapidly and emphasizes your abdomen that makes it the perfect exercise to lose belly fat fast. Place a pillow on the ground and kneel down on it. This is to avoid any kind of injuries that may be caused to your knees.  Relax your mind and close your eyes. Count to 10 and then begin to breathe. Exhale and count to 5, your stomach will feel empty. Hold this position for 2 seconds and then inhale. Repeat the same procedure 10 times every day.
Abdominal Breathing

Stomach vacuum

This breathing exercise makes you exhale all the air out of your lungs. It also helps you suck in your tummy to the maximum. This will help you to bring out your abs hidden under the layers of fat.
Stomach vacuum
You need to start the exercise by placing your knees and hands on the ground. You back should stay curved in order to help build vacuum. Exhale completely and suck your belly in. Expand your lungs, like you are breathing but the air shouldn’t enter into it. You should pull in your stomach so that it touches your spine ( not literally, to the maximum extent). Hold this position for 10 seconds. Release your breath slowly and repeat the same method 10 times every day, to notice the best results.

Toning The Tummy

To gain a flat stomach you need to tone it. Lie down on the floor with your knees bent, your feet should be on the ground. Pull in your stomach as far as possible as you start breathing. Try to stick to the ground and breath in, as deeply as you can. You can even place your hand on your stomach to feel the pull. If necessary, place one hand on your stomach so that you can feel it contract. The entire abdominal wall should retract. Hold onto this position for at least 10 seconds. Relax by exhaling slowly, you can even try this exercise by standing near a wall. Some people also found it effective while sitting. If you are too busy to spend time on this exercise, you can do it right now while reading this article. It will help you gain a toned and flat tummy.
Toning the TummySometimes, choosing a shorter and easier route is better to find a solution.  Maybe breathing exercises don’t seem to sound so effective, but they definitely do their part in your body. They will enhance the intensity of your workouts. Abdominal breathing, belly breathing and diaphragm breathing help you to increase your core fitness. This means you will gain all the possible benefits and energy to lose your tummy.

Benefits of Breathing Exercises

Breathing is an involuntary process and we don’t need any extra effort in order to breathe, but in reality breathing simply is not enough in itself to sustain a healthy life, breathing correctly is vital to live longer, stay in a happy mood and keep away illnesses. Here we have discussed a few benefits of breathing exercises.
Breathing Releases Tension – Deep breathing exercises helps in increasing the oxygen supply to the body and reduces the feelings of stress, fear and anger.
Breathing Detoxifies the Body – The human body releases 70% of the toxins through breathing. So, if you are not breathing properly, then your body is storing up the toxins which can lead to serious illnesses over time. Body cleansing can also be done following the 30 days detox diet to lose weight.
Breathing Exercises
Breathing Relaxes the Mind – The excessive level of stress and anxiety can lead to various health issues. Deep breathing exercise supply oxygen to the brain and reduces excessive levels of anxiety and relaxes the body which in turn enhances clarity and insight.
Breathing Helps in Weight Loss – The extra oxygen supplied to the body through deep breathing helps in burning excess fat deposited in the body and helps in weight loss.
Breathing Tones the Organs – The diaphragm movements during deep breathing massages the important organs such as the heart, stomach, liver, pancreas and small intestine and improve blood circulation in them. Controlled breathing exercises also tone the abdominal muscles.

Things To Keep In Mind

This practice of breathing exercises should be done systematically. You should never practice the above breathing exercises on a full stomach. If you are diagnosed with heart conditions, hiatal hernia or ulcers – it is better to consult your doctor or completely avoid the above exercises. These exercises show great results if practiced after a gentle form of exercises like tai chi, yoga or walking.
tai chi muscle relaxation
Performing all these kinds of breathing exercises to lose belly fat is the best alternative to other forms of exercise. But they must be performed in combination with balanced diet programs for weight loss. It is performed without any equipment and is accessible for anyone. However, you need determination and the right amount of knowledge to make your goals achievable. Nothing can be acquired without hard work! Everyone is likely to make mistakes, but you need to stay focused. Even if you miss to practice these exercises for a day, it doesn’t matter, although, you need to work hard from the next day onwards.
These deep breathing exercises the best way to lose belly fat. The whole pressure is laid on the abdominal area, and this will help to shed the fat around it. You won’t have to go back to your gym or sweat it out. These breathing exercises are available every day and every single minute. Search no more! Follow these great exercises on a daily basis and you will see your fat vanish! All the best for your trails!
Breathing Exercises to Lose Belly Fat